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AndroidIOS15 Best Android Libraries for Android App Development

Do you know about Android libraries? Do you want to explore all about Android libraries for Android app development? What do you understand by Android libraries? To make it simple, Android libraries are nothing but Android frameworks. It is a set of implementations of behaviour that are written in a programming language with a well-defined interface. The next question that may arise is about the components of these android libraries. Hence these libraries include documentation, configuration data, help data, message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, values, classes to name a few. Therefore, Core Techies, a top android app development company bring a guide for developers who are new into the sphere of app development. These libraries can serve as a tool for any mobile app development.

15 Best Android Libraries for Android App Developers: 

1. Dagger 2: 

It is entirely dependent on Java processors along with this compile-time to have an idea about dependencies. There are certain limitations in other Java dependency injection libraries. Dagger 2 is capable of relying on XML, incurring performance penalties during startup, facing validating issues etc. Hence, there is another advantage of Dagger 2 is that it simplifies the shared instances.

2. Retrofit: 

It is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java, it maps an API into a client interface with the help of annotations. Earlier, fetching data was not an easy task, Hence, Retrofit can change endpoints and headers. It adds a request body and problem-solving parameters and select request methods. This is done with just annotations. Therefore, the Android libraries also take care of praising to POJOs by using converters.

3. Picasso:

It is a popular and widely known image Android library. The Picasso library allows developers to do hassle-free image loading in the application. Hence, there are certain issues which the software handles such as ImageVew recycling and downloading cancellation in an adapter, complex image transformations etc. Thus, this Android library uses minimum memory, automatic memory, and catching.

4. Glide: 

Glide is an image loader Android library for developers managed by Bumptech. It is one of the libraries which is recommended by Google. Moreover, it allows to create animated and GIF images, display of video calling etc. Therefore, the main aim is to make the scrolling of images smooth and enables developers to resize the image.

5. CAMView:

It is a barcode scanner and can be a better option than Zxing. It is an Android camera which enables easy access to the camera with a QRscanner. The components allow laying out files and give immediate access to preview video, scanning barcodes, and live processing through your camera.

6. Zxing:

It is one of the scanning libraries. It permits barcode processing which is implemented in Java and other programming languages. The Android library is supported by a 1D product, 1D industrial, and 2D barcodes. Therefore, Zxing is integrated with Google Book Search and Google Product

7. Bubble Navigation:

It is a lightweight library with a unique approach to navigation. Hence, the function of Bubble Navigation is to create beautiful navigation bars with many customised options in it. Therefore, it provides varied options to the developers.

8. Espresso: 

It is a testing library which enables the developers to build the user interface tests for Android mobile app. It helps you in identifying if one text is similar to the other. Therefore, it gives the impression that a real user is using the mobile app. It runs on both on the real devices and emulators. Thus, to use the library you need to add dependencies to the app module file.

9. Holo Graph Library:

It is one of the graphic libraries and it seems to be popular among the mobile application developers. This particular library is useful for creating graphs and charts in the mobile applications. For instance, BarGraph View, and PieGraph View. Therefore, it is useful for adding graphics to the Android app.

10. Gravity View: 

Gravity view is a new concept in Android libraries. The library is useful for tilting images using sensors. The motive of gravity view is to make use of motion sensors of Android devices. Therefore, it enables users to perform certain functions by simply rotating their device.

11. MPAndroid Chart: 

It is also used for drawing and graphic design. It is used to view graphs and charts. Hence, the library supports radar, line, bar, bubble, and pie Therefore, it is also useful for scaling, animation, and dragging.

12. ExoPlayer: 

It is an Android media player library developed by Google. It acts as an alternative to Android’s media player API playing audio and video with some extra advantage. Therefore, this audio and video player has a feature of customisation. It is one of the most useful libraries in mobile application development.

13. Butterknife:

Butterknife is a view binding library developed by Jake Wharton. It is a library that helps developers to assign ids easily. The Butterknife is similar to Dragger. Often we read such statements about Butterknife when compared to Dragger that it is considered ‘to be less sharp.’ Therefore, it can be seen as dependency injection.

14. Android Data Binding:

Android Data Binding is inbuilt to the Android Support Library. It requires Android Studio version 1.3 to work Hence, this library does not make use of annotations.

15. Mockito: 

Mockito is the mocking framework that helps us to create and configure mock (fake) objects. Therefore, Mockito Android library is used with JUnit.

Wrapping Up:

Core Techies, a web and mobile development company has complied some of the most useful Android libraries which developers should know about to develop a robust and responsive website.


  • Vervelogic

    September 16, 2020 at 7:18 PM

    Its amazing post. Thanks for sharing


  • Aditya sharma

    December 30, 2021 at 4:58 PM

    Good information, thank you for sharing.


  • Innova Design Hub

    January 27, 2022 at 3:06 AM

    Good article & excellent way to articulate. Keep it up.


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