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Coronavirus has become a serious challenge for both startups and known brands in the market. Digital marketing has become a mature medium for businesses around the globe. The pandemic has hard-hit the economies of various industries. This sudden transition will later leave an impact on small startups and big brands simultaneously. Similarly, the financial condition is greatly hit during the times of COVID-19. Digital marketing is the key to reaping the benefits of this crisis when the world is at the standstill. Therefore, startups need to evolve their marketing strategies on social media to make their business presence solid in the market.

Global Situation:

The world is dealing with the crisis in the hope that everything will be back to normal soon. In these testing times when face to facing business dealings has become a thing of the past. Core Techies’ digital marketing team will use this platform to share how they are coping with the situation. Digital marketers are sharing how this time can be used by applying efforts in the right direction. Businessmen should focus their time and attention on establishing a strong social media presence. Besides, startups can learn from the marketing and advertising strategies of major brands in the market. Are you running a startup business and clueless about how can you use this time of lockdown? Looking for the right ways to scale up your digital presence on social media.? Keep scrolling down to find out some innovative ways that our team has discovered for you.

Ways of Digital Marketing to Consider During Coronavirus?

Business owners need to understand that this can be a small interruption in the sphere of business. Days may seem to be dark but a ray of hope is always there. Meanwhile, they should hope normalcy may return soon. To keep the pace the same, startups need to be optimistic. Moreover, should try not to fall behind their competitors. For instance, owners should try to do their part to regain lost revenue profits. Every organisation should accept reality and try to put a strong front.

Digital marketing can be a blessing in disguise in these gloomy days. Small and medium enterprises should develop smart and innovative strategies to keep connected with their targeted audience. Eyes are glued to computer screens and smartphones busy passing long hours surfing social media platforms. Individuals are left with no options except for reading about current happenings and shopping online.

How Startups Can Enhance Digital Marketing?

Startups need to utilise these days to refine their digital media strategies.

1. Connect with your clients on social media:

Every individual is dealing with the impact of coronavirus. People of all ages are busy taking precautions and are staying back home to keep their families safe. Because of this life has come to a standstill with nothing to keep our lives entertained. Therefore, social media has become the last resort for keeping ourselves updated and entertained. Brands and startups should use this opportunity to show empathy to their clients. Business organisations should adopt a strategy which is not too sale-oriented.

Take your business online:

Online traffic on websites and social media handles has increased in the past few days due to the nationwide lockdown. People are utilising maximum time in shopping essentials online and looking for ways to pass the time. As of now, people are more active and online. Hence, brands should use search engine optimisation (SEO). This will improve its ranking on Google’s search engine pages and will give its business greater visibility.

Advertising through Pay Per Click:

 The focus of the brands should be on earning more from Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. With so many active clients every day on your online portals, it can give an edge to your business. PPC marketing can turn out to be a game-changer to manage the competition in the market.

Competition Analysis:

Are you sitting back in the comfort of your room at home with your family? Business owners should instead gear up by doing the competition analysis. Digital marketing is not a one-day affair to stand ahead of your competition, you need to regularly mould your strategy. Technical parts like search engine optimisation strategies should be used to earn organic traffic on your websites.

Work on Solid Come Back:

It will not be good for your business if you ignore working on its digital presence. Using the right approach while advertising. Therefore, this will be beneficial for your business in the long run. When the spending ability of customers will stabilize you will be able to recover lost revenue.

Discounts Offer:

In this sensitive situation, startups need to make a smart move. This move can be of offering people discounts. It will help revenues flow even in this fluid situation.

Local Clients:

There is a certain limitation on the movement of people, they are made to stay in home quarantine. The administration has limited their movement. Digital marketing through Local SEO reviews can catch eyeballs. Startups should focus to earn more from nearby clients.

Refine your Digital look:

During normal working days, we have so much to do that we tend to fail to make changes on our digital platforms. Day-to-day meetings keep us so engrossed that often we tend to fail in redesigning our digital portals. If this thing is still on your bucket list, the time has come to achieve it. Startups can revamp their websites and give them a refreshing look to it.

What Startups Can Learn and Adopt from Big Brands?

 The breakdown of the pandemic has been devastating to many businesses like travel, food, real estate, fashion and the IT sector. Everything in the world is silent. Startups and major businesses have a ray of hope in the digital marketing of their businesses. Coronavirus is not a hook in the digital space of business organisations. Digital space is helping brands to keep their revenue flowing. Major brands are setting an example for startups to cope with the crisis. Google, KFC, ITC Hotels, Bira91 and others. These brands are using smart marketing methods to promote positivity and spread important messages.

Digital Marketing: Brands Setting Examples for Startups. 

1. Google:

The most popular search engine Google has adopted smart marketing methods to grab the attention of the users. It is using its wide presence by making people aware of the importance of handwashing. Google is using Instagram and Facebook handles to promote the same by infographic images.

2. McDonald’s:

Keeping in mind the home quarantine, food chains like KFC and McDonald’s have adopted safer measures. McDonald’s has diverted its attention to marketing strategies like home deliveries to its customers. Therefore, startups can learn how the food chains are stressing on quality, safety and cleanliness in the process. Consumer safety is the focus of advertising campaigns.

3. Nykaa:

The shift in marketing strategy is visible as they are dealing only with providing essential items. The marketing strategy of such startups highlights empathy and willingness to serve their customers. They have taken other items down and catering only for essential things. Coronavirus will be a thing of the past if all of us stand together in these difficult times. Stay Home Stay Safe.

4. Bira91:

Alcohol brands are not behind in adopting alternatives in these testing times. To win the race of marketing presence went ahead of its competitors. Digital marketing helps scale up consumer acquisition. Companies are coming up with better ways to maintain their market. Alcohol brands are sending home hampers to their valued customers.

Time to be More Humane in Approach

The world is going through a tough time and brands should adopt a more humane approach. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious crisis and we should look beyond making profits. The situation is sensitive and requires people to be more generous towards those who need our help. The only way we can overcome this global crisis is by doing our bit and following government guidelines. Social distancing is the key to fighting this pandemic and safe lives.

Thus, every business is trying its best to cope with this pandemic situation. Digital marketing and varied advertising campaigns are letting them survive in such a situation. In conclusion, startups should also adopt innovative techniques to increase their reach and wait for the good days to come back. Digital marketing strategies should be such that focus on consumer acquisition. Digital marketing companies and brands need to understand that hard times are not for exploiting the clients. Above all, they should avoid thinking of making profits in such a situation and work on building goodwill in the market.

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