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Coronavirus outbreak all over the globe has caused companies to opt for work from home policy. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought life to a standstill. Many firms are still trying ways how they can make their employees work more efficiently from the comfort of their homes. Working from home cannot be an option for everyone in the business industry. Working from home is becoming a tough task for many people. Because they are not used to working remotely. There are also some other factors which are responsible for low productivity when they work from home. Hence, to keep adding profits, we need to keep the pace the same in these testing times.

Global Response to Adoption of Work from Home Policy.

Life had seen a massive hit with the arrival of coronavirus from schools, malls, and companies looking for alternative ways to cope with this sudden standstill. Major and minor companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Flipkart, TCS, and Accenture had to move partial workforce to adopt work from home policy. Similarly, many companies in India too had to adopt remote working as soon as the World Health Organisation and the government of India issued an advisory.

How Work from Home Can Still Be Productive?

As the pandemic is getting severe, people need to be cautious while taking precautions. The government has asked various web and mobile app development companies to let their employees work from home to fight COVID-19. People must maintain social distancing to break the chain of the virus. There is no doubt that this sudden transition will affect the productivity of the companies. But for the larger good of the public, it is important to stay home and work from the comfort of our house.

Productivity is gained once we adapt ourselves to the changing situation and think these gloomy days will soon end. Core Techies, an IT development company in India also support the decision of the government. Wondering how you can work from home and still be productive? We bring this piece of writing describing some ways to keep you productive from the comfort of the home office. Therefore, keep scrolling down to read more on it.

Work from Home: How to be Productive in the Times of Pandemic?

Working from home is not an easy task for everyone, especially for those who are used to working full time. It can even be more difficult when we are in lockdown and unable to socialise with people. Hence, let us read some quick ways to make working from home policy easy and productive at the same time.

1. Wake Up and Dress Up:

Working from home does not mean taking liberty and attending to your official work casually. When we work from home, we tend to take everything lightly. The only way to overcome this hurdle, one need to get up early and change into formal clothes to get the feeling that they are going to the office for some productive task.

2. Set up a Home Office:

One of the biggest challenges is to be organised when we work remotely. In this situation when the coronavirus pandemic is at its peak and there are restrictions on moving out. We need to have a home office so that the thin line between professional and personal life is maintained. Get yourself a comfortable set of table and chair as you have to work for long hours. Select the corner in the house which has a decent background. A decent background is also important because it looks better when you take video call meetings.

Ways to Increase Working Hours Productivity:

1. Defined Work Hours:

Defined work hours help you stay active throughout the complete eight hours of the work cycle. Doing less or more can be harmful to your health and your personal life too would suffer.

2. Take Breaks:

Working from home does not mean that you have to compromise your other mundane lifestyle. Because when you are expected to be attentive to all the work calls, you are free to take a small break in between. Therefore, small breaks keep you motivated and energised.

3. Communicate:

When we are working from a distance, there are chances of miscommunication. The coronavirus outbreak has put a full stop on the face to face interactions. Still, we need to try all the ways of communication to avoid any confusion. We are living in times when technology has progressed and we have various ways of communication. Make use of Google Hangout, Zoom, Slack, Telegram and WhatsApp. Keeping in frequent touch through any medium is the key.

4. Avoid Unnecessary News:

When we are staying home there is a chance that we would scroll through our social media often and get engrossed in it. It is better to avoid entertaining everything that is served to you like a piece of news on social media.

5. Spend Quality Time:

In these dark days of the coronavirus crisis where we all are living in self-isolation mode in our homes. We need to look for ways to socialise with people maintaining social distancing. Try to interact with your friends and family on calls. Some non-work activities should be practised by all.

From the Desk of Our Founders:

Working from home is not an easy task for any organisation, there are many organisations which are still trying hard to keep themselves motivated and be as productive as they can. In conclusion, I would love to share the message we all team members received in the mail from our Co-Founder, Shashank Shekhar Singh on our first day of Work from Home. This message keeps us motivated and productive throughout our working hours,

“Good Morning Everyone,

It’s a new beginning our first day at Work from Home for the whole organisation. I just want to let you all know that it’s more than fine if anyone’s family members, roommates, or any other person is visible or audible on the video/audio calls. Also, babies gibbering, talking, singing, shouting, and crying are completely fine. We all have our moments, certainly don’t ask them to keep quiet, turn off the TV, stop playing, etc. It’s your family space, it was supposed to be like that, not a workplace. So, don’t try to make a workplace station at home, just try to grab a corner and work at home.

Moreover, you all are allowed to take breaks to take care of your family only thing you should consider just getting the work finished that is the only thing on your shoulders professionally.

Wishing you all, the very best beginning to this phase, hope this coronavirus phase will be over soon.

Stay Home, Stay Happy and Stay Safe.”

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